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Veronique Corbett

Updated: Jul 11, 2024


Begins Internally - because it comes from

HOW YOU programmed your Subconscious Mind to support you! 


The “Reap what you sow” proverb communicates that you eventually have to face up to the consequences of your actions. Thoughts reap actions, actions reap habits, habits reap character, and character reaps destiny. Reap the benefits of wise investments you made into yourself to forward your life or reap the negative effects from consistently making poor choices. Or on a positive note of “past poorly made choices”, take the consequences, accept responsibility for the negative results of one's poor choices and turn outside devastations and anxieties around by starting on the inside of you. Realize the buck stops... with you.Freedom to enjoy rewards is an inside job.

An investment in yourself from the inside out allows you to be the leader of your life and reap a destiny you are enthusiastic about. First, become aware of what beliefs are at your core, highly anxious and negative or “reality” based positive ones. What is at your core holds the key to a destiny of ease, grace and abundance personally, professionally, and organizationally, or not. Look at nature as an example. If the core/root is rotten, there goes the plant. Lead from a healthy and balanced belief based consciousness, and from this core/root you will reap the benefits of great leadership personally, professionally or organizationally.

For any personal, professional and or organizational leadership to be great, it requires character at the core/root... coupled with the necessary skill sets to drive home success at each and every level. You cannot lead where you yourself are afraid or unwilling to go. You cannot “honestly” ask others, through any credibility, to pursue the quality of being “outstanding” if you do not pursue the same thing yourself. Step up your own personal criteria for self monitoring your performance levels. Live up to the quality of excellence, the benefits are endless and rewarding. Remember, our ability to lead others is directly dependent on our ability to lead ourselves.

How you do something is how you do everything.

So whether it is personal, professional or organizational leadership, any type of leadership involves beginning at the core of you.

What are your life goals? - Set them. - Then strategize your life plan.

1. Hold your vision of the life you want to live and begin building skill sets to support your vision into reality.

2. Collaborate with like minds to develop your support system. Attaining goals are easier when you have a system of support.

3. Explicitly manage, moment to moment, your attitude to remain positive by increasing self- knowledge of words and their usage. Monitor negative self-talk.

4. Use your time in efficient ways. Place importance on having your priorities straight.

5. Live up to high principles, standards of behavior, and values that are necessary and indicative to great leadership.

6. Support your physical body to be strong and healthy. Keep your “space” clean, organized and inspiring.

7. Wear clothing that you love simple because it represents you supporting  where you want to be and how you want to be perceived.

8. Uplift your spirit through music and keeping light difficult situations while being accountable and responsible at the same time.

9. Keep personal and business relationships separate so they do not cross over and become entangled emotionally.

10. Stay within “real” budget guidelines for steady growth.

11. Develop interpersonal communications, learn to go with the flow to manage change on any level.

12. Refine your understanding or appreciation of human intellectual achievements.

13. Define the culture that best enlivens and stirs your heart and soul in order to better support you from the inside out.

14. Join associations, social groups with attitudes and behavior characteristics that best mimic where you want to be in “your” life. Be enterprising through initiative and resourcefulness.

15. You don’t have to be great to get started. Just begin where you are. To be a great leader of your life, business endeavors or organizationally, you have to start somewhere, there is no better time than now.

Remember, leadership is an inside job. -  

Building Unshakable Internal Foundations since 1989.

After Veronique’s intensive spiritual quest her work became expressed in her innovative course material, supporting change from the inside out, beginning with The Choice Is Mine, Spirit & Logic,  expanding into The Freedom Is Internal System and her Adult Fable Collection. The power in Veronique’s work teaches you how to look at life circumstances so you can “know” the depth of “your potential” and act positively on that awareness... to live “your dream life” sooner rather than later. Take that first step and go to:  www. 

The sooner you take an action to change, the sooner positive change manifests.

Happy Trails, Namaste Veronique

Enlightened Heart Publications Copyright by Veronique All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied in any manner , form, or by any means without written permission of Veronique, Inc. For permission requests write to the publisher, addressed "Attention: Permissions Coordinator," at Veronique Inc.  
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