The Letter that Brought Forth a Miracle that saved my life...
& now countless others.
'The consciousness that created the problem cannot solve the problem." Einstein
Reaching a Point of Inward Turning
The story of how “The Letter to Myself” may appear a little lengthy, yet these are the words it takes to describe a miracle..
Life changed from the fairy tale I thought it was going to be. That made me angry. I felt betrayed by the love of my life, and justified in my anger because that betrayal brought our family's life into turmoil and struggles. I knew being angry wasn't helping me or my children, yet I couldn't shake it from what I was taught, so I buried it. I didn't admit I was angry. I called it hurt. I wasn't just hurt - I was bleeding and dying inside. I was determined not to show my pain to anyone and instead focused on creating a better life for my children and myself. My hard work paid off, yet it was a roller coaster ride, except it wasn't fun. I thought by creating a success filled life all would be great, yet it wasn't. I was still silently crying my days away. Deep down rising above the struggles wasn't enough. It was void of what my soul passioned and what my heart knew could be, a love beyond words & a need for it. I wanted to know what would create an unshakable love – a love that could never be taken from me. I reached a point of no return. I had enough of life's roller coaster ride. I screamed to the heavens for help proclaiming as loud as I could “this is not the way life should be.” “Teach me what I do not know”. Surely if I went to the heavens for help God would hear me. God knows. And if God was busy, I would happily welcome the helpers God trained. I just wanted to know HOW I could shift the memories that were still tearing me apart. I wanted to know what I did not understand or what I may have misperceived from my religion or even the rules of good behavior. No matter what all the “what to do's” I applied to the task, nothing I did lasted. I silenced the endless chatter in my mind and became quiet with myself and went to bed. I awoke early. Exhausted, yet within moments help arrived in an unusual and unexpected form. I noticed suddenly; my exhaustion had disappeared. A voice, gentle, yet strong, silent and loud all at the same time, was challenging my buried anger to come to the surface for me to deal with it. I found myself placing words as I heard them, paper after paper, without interfering. I just listened to what was flowing from within me and wrote. Considering my dyslexia, this was not normal for me. Normally I would always stop and review each word, checking on spelling, grammar, and punctuation for mistakes. This was way different. It's hard to explain what I was experiencing. The words weren't my words, they weren't my thoughts, yet they were coming from inside of me. The source of this unbelievable wisdom was a power encased in the same kind of love and innocence you feel in a newborn baby. It was an unlimited guiding light forming an unadulterated foundation and model for being love... not seeking it... being it. Being its innocence. I didn't know how the words I had written nonstop, for what I thought was only minutes, had actually taken hours. Incredibly, the words revealed the answers to my questions in the form of talking to myself. This was it; my prayer was answered! I couldn't explain how I knew that. I just knew. I was like a child, excited and grateful for the gift I just received. I was excited to use it. I didn't think about it, try to understand or figure out how it would change my life for the better - I just knew it would. And it did. Rereading and rereading 'The Letter' every time I felt helpless, or having my pity party, each word I spoke or read took me beyond my most perplexing fears and the pain that lingered from the anger automatically began dissipating. That's its power - it turned any fear into an unshakable love that grew with each read. Though the words were simple in nature, the message was profound. It ignited and released an inner unbounded freedom that permeated every aspect of my soul, heart and mind in a romance of probabilities. The mundane, maddening world of confusion, loss, illness and emptiness disappeared into a place where none of those feelings could exist. In this state of awareness, I knew all things were of love. Not 'love' as it has been manipulated to hide the anger that generates our fears but love as I now know it was meant to be, innocent from the adulterations anger turned it into. The power of each word, as ordinary as it was, had its purpose in deeply rooting in me an elevated embrace of loving, unconditional self-love, and love of life and others that I had never experienced before. My life began changing for the better quickly. There were still challenges, yet living the messages that came forward in The Letter to Myself allowed me to meet life's challenges with a different heart and mindset that replaced the struggles with ease, grace and abundance. As I have learned over the years, there is no quick fix when love in its state of innocence is not present And like it or not, we are human. We can get caught in the intricate balance between blame and accountability when we are navigating our day-to-day life. We all have our beliefs along with how we have interpreted what we have been taught. We are all right in what we want to believe in, because through experiences lived, I have come to know, that somehow, someway it is everyone’s path to remember and live love in its unadulterated form. I have offered The Letter to Myself and the Freedom Is Internal System that evolved from 'The Letter', my traveling experiences worldwide, exploring, learning, growing and serving others since 1989. I offer 'The Letter' and 'The System' to those who want it. They are simple tools, yet they work. For me, I find value in making life fun and easy while being accountable and responsible, simultaneously with myself and others. I respect and value everyone’s unique gift however they choose to use it. The different programs I developed from the Scholarship, Affiliates, Ruby Red Slippers Society and the 24/7 NRG broadcasting / podcasting station, are in support of embedding 16 consistent habits that are designed to enhance the quality of your life, at any age, educational or economical by knowing HOW you can access the answers within yourself -- answers that will honestly fulfill your heart and soul by seeing and using the unlimited potential in yourself.
Happy Trails,
Always Through Love,
You will learn how to psychologically and philosophically support your neural pathways to rewire your life to be as you honestly love and it is more simple than you can imagine!
1.The System is unique in the fact that, no matter one’s age from youth to adulthood or one’s educational level or position in life, it doesn’t matter. It simplifies HOW to build a steadfast Framework for Life, coming first from one's Heart - then to the Mind.
2. It consistently builds having what you want verses what you don’t want your life to be like.
3. It provides a solid picture and detailed pathway with systematic tools that reveal how life can be as you honestly and truly want it.
4. It works without exception to one’s current circumstance and in less time than deemed possible.
The Freedom Is Internal System
90 Day Course Study
This course study will take your conscious mind deeper into your journey so you may see how your subconscious thoughts influence your life. You will be able to make a more extensive dive into supporting your subconscious to support you. It invites you to explore the mysteries of life & the intricacies of your inner self while embracing the change & adventures that come your way. Click here to review the course study.