For all that were waiting for the launch of the insanely great scholarship programme innovated “For the Love of the Children", know that at this time it is out of purpose to continue.
It is with deep sadness to halt the Jan 5th 2022 launch that was scheduled to begin this amazing program yet, due to recent events that placed the energy of
The Prima Intern Scholarship Programme
out of its extended purpose and into energy opposite of its pure intention, it became necessary to pause the programme until further notice.
If and when the Programme will launch is yet to be determined.
This site and how it serves is additionally on pause due to these events. This pause allows Veronique to immediately engage in a meaning-full extended sabbatical returning when balance is restored. As she lives by and thru the knowing that it is only when we are open unconditionally to helping others can we truly help ourselves. There are countless reasons for this choice being made at this time, yet the main reason is out of respect and love for herself, others and the journey she vowed to uphold in 1989 and remains true to... FOR THE LOVE OF THE CHILDREN.